
A General’s Dera

A General’s Dera

After the defeated the liberation war in Bangladesh in 1971 Pakistan’s President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto set up an investigation group to find out why they were lost in the war. The head of the commission was Bihari Justice Hamudur Rahman who was strongly opposed to the independence of Bangladesh. In a 2022 article regarding Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's Commission of Inquiry, Georgetown University Professor Carol Christine Fair said, "Bhutto's creation of this Commission of Inquiry was like telling a thief to file an indictment of his own crimes."

Obviously, the Hamudur Rahman commission report contained numerous grave errors.  According to the study, they killed a total of 26,000 people in nine months. MuktiBahinee slaughtered between one million and five million innocent Biharis, West Pakistanis, and East Pakistanis.  They were portrayed in the report as true patriots!

In its study, Hamudur Rahman Commission could not hide much about the misdeed of the Pakistani military. Pakistan kept this commission's report secret for 28 years. 200 witnesses gave their statements to the commission. Later the report was given to Bhutto, Bhutto classified it or kept it secret. There have been so many ugly facts and incidents illustrated in the report about Pakistani Military which may destroy Pakistan’s Image globally. Besides Bhutto understood that if the report was made public, Pak Army would be annoyed and they may kick him out of power. Even though he put his own life in the hands of the man he taught, General Ziaul Haq. It was the main reason Bhutto kept it secret. After Bhutto whoever gained control of Pakistan had to ensure the army's satisfaction in numerous ways. And while doing so, he concealed this report. Finally, an Indian media released portions of the study, compelling Pakistan to publish it in 2000.

What does the report contain? Say what isn't in the report instead! From 1969 until 1971, members of the Pakistan Army, especially General Yahya, led a wild lifestyle, abused their authority, and stole from the country. The story is told on page after page. One of the addictions of General Yahya Khan was to have physical relations with the wives of military and civil officers even if it was only once. Strangely, even these officials did not hesitate to send their wives to Yahya. According to the Hamudur Rahman Commission report it was not just one or two. Many officers brought their wives to Yahya's quarter in Rawalpindi or Karachi.

Once there was a powerful woman who was connected with Yahya. Her name is Aklim Akhtar Rani. She lived in Rawalpindi, where she had a residence, She supplied women to army officers to fulfill their sexual appetites. While she became a very close person to Yahya every one called her General Rani. And General Rani became the center of authority. In an interview near the end of her life, she said that she had given several girls to military officers like Yahya Khan, General Latif, General Hamid, and Brigadier Jehanzeb Arbab. They have a good reputation in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Saeeda Bukhari was another Pakistani woman who had a betel and nut business in Bangladesh. In Lahore, she ran a brothel called "Senorita Home." She and General AK Niazi used to drink together. Generals Yahya--Niyazi was also a reliable regular customer in Senorita Home.

As a remnant of British rule Pakistan maintained (and likely still maintains) a record of who entered the President's mansion when they entered, and when they exited—everyone. Therefore, all of Yahya Khan's Rawalpindi and Karachi accounts were recorded in the registry book.  In the Hamudur Rahman Commission report, numerous pages of women lists from 1969 to 1971 have been brought to attention. it was noted that some women would go in at 7:30 at night and leave at 7:30 the next morning.
A famous singer from the subcontinent used to come to Yehya's residence. Akleem escorted her to Yahya. In her interview, Rani said that Yahya Khan would pour "daru" over the singer's body and then suck it off. She was the eyewitness. General Abdul Hamid Khan, who was Chief of Staff, and Yahya Khan used to go away with more than one woman at a time. How can individuals who are in charge of billions of people act this way? According to the Hamudur Rahman Commission report, even Commander Brigadier Hayatullah was "making out" with a few girls in his bunker on December 11 and 12 in Bangladesh, when enemy shells were falling on the camp next door.

The 604 Field Intelligence Unit's Major Sajjadul Haque told the commission that dancers were routinely sent to Dhaka to entertain the generals in the middle of the war. He also alleged that Tiger Niazi would take girls out in three-star staff cars. Lt. Col. Aziz Ahmed Khan told the Commission that the common soldiers had a saying: "How can one hold oneself where the leader is a womanizer! You can't expect to fight in East Pakistan, die, and then go to Jhelum to have sex, as General Niazi himself blatantly stated.

Begum Shamim KN Hussain would regularly go to Yahya Dera at night and leave early in the morning. Later, Shamim was sent as ambassador to Austria, her husband KN Hussain was sent as ambassador to Switzerland, and Shamim's father, retired Justice Amin Ahmed, was named director of the Nation Shipping Corporation at the age of 70. Hussain, Shamim's husband, was not in the Foreign Service and neither of them had any diplomatic experience. Some army commanders in high positions used to send their attractive spouses to Yahya Dera. To get business promotions and other benefits. In the Hamudur Rahman report, the names of 500 women are given.

General Yahya died in August 1980, having lived a quiet life at his residence on Harley Street in Rawalpindi and was rewarded as enjoying all of the government's advantages. and benefits. He wasn't never ever trialed for any of the crimes he committed. The commission also didn't suggest any punishments for his misdeeds. Instead, eleven of the twelve copies of the report were burned.  

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My Mahr was a trip to Hajj, said Japanese pilgrims

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My Mahr was a trip to Hajj, said Japanese pilgrims

 “Hajj means to leave everything behind, such as money and responsibilities, just to spend time with God,” said Japanese pilgrims on their journey to perform Hajj 2023.

Speaking to the Saudi Center for Government Communication (CGC), Almas Choji, a Japanese Muslim who is performing Hajj for the first time this year, said that she learned about Islam after meeting a Muslim person who is working in a food company. He taught her about Islamic details and halal food.

“I got married 4 years back, I was 35 years old, and my Mahr (A dowry, gift from the groom to the bride) was a trip to Hajj,’ Choji said, noting that they could not make it at the beginning of her marriage because OF the spread of COVID-19 pandemic at that time.

As for her feeling when she saw the Grand Mosque in Makkah for the first time, she said that she had seen many of its pictures online while it was full and crowded with people, but when she saw it in front of her, she found it much more beautiful than what she had imagined.

Choji found a great similarity and closeness in form between the tent city of the Holy Site of Mina, which is one of the largest tent cities in the world, and the tourist camps in Japan. She pointed out that Hajj helps you to discover yourself and reconcile with it.

Japanese Hajj pilgrim Saema Honda said that she realized the size and magnificence of the place while she was ascending the escalators toward the Holy Site.

She noted that she saw the picturesque features in the mountains and compared them to Mina, while noticing the differences which she saw through the pictures, especially since Mina is now full of services and facilities.

People cannot go to Hajj and perform the rituals only, but Hajj experience makes you meet and get to know many people from all over the world, Honda said.

She added, “Can you imagine that without people looking at my face because of the facemask, I have made a group that has become familiar with me, and this is a very happy feeling.”

Murama Tsuguku, Japanese Hajj pilgrim, revealed how she converted to Islam.

She said that she could not describe her feeling when she heard the call to prayer (Adhan), as she felt her heart was flying. It was then she decided to study about the Islamic religion.


Source: Saudi Gazette

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Story of a masjid in Essex

Tawsif Reza
Tawsif Reza
Story of a masjid in Essex

Here is a small-resort town on the Thames Estuary in Essex, southeast England named Southend-On-Sea. The long Southend Pier is serviced by a small train and has a museum at its shore end.

Nearby, Adventure Island is an amusement park with fairground rides and water slides. The Cliff Lift, a century-old funicular, clings to the hillside and offers coastal views. Sea Life Adventure aquarium is home to otters, clownfish and turtles.
And in Southend-On-Sea there was a historic Church in Chelmsford Avenue named United Reformed Church. But it was sold to The Essex Jamme Masjid Trust Ltd. for £850,000 in November 2007.

With further investment and a major refurbishment project it is turned into a mosque minarets and Islamic academy. Now the name of this converted Church is The Essex Jamme Masjid and Academy.

Today we are going to tell you the story of this mosque and a Bangladeshi who has contributed a lot here and is doing great job. Currently he is the Grand Imam-Khatib and Principal of this complex. Needless to say, He and his comrades-in-arms caused a stir by the purchasing of this Church. Later he played a major role in the formation of the Islamic Complex there.
The main structure of the 107-year-old building remained much the same, and as the exterior of the old church hall and a house converted to four flats next door.

The church was put up for sale when dwindling congregations led to the merger of four United Reformed churches, creating the Eastern Southend United Reformed Church organization, based at the main site in Bournemouth Park Road.
The church held its last service in February 2006. Later that year the church property section submitted a planning application for it to be converted into a three-store block of 14 flats.

After the plan was refused by Southend Council it was put on the market. It was bought by the Muslim association to meet the demands of a growing Muslim population in the borough. The group was based at Milton Road, in Westcliff, but has outgrown the premises, while the former church offers the larger building it needs. The trust, which was established in 1986, has spent on the work and the development including the purchase price of around £2 million.

At the time of purchase of the church Chairman of the Trust Mohammed Shamsuddin said to the press: “We are lucky. We feel it is God given. This place which nobody wanted was available and we hadn’t found anywhere else big enough. It is perfect for us.

We are very happy, overjoyed this is going to be our main mosque. We will stay here for many years to come.
After two decades at the Milton Road, we couldn’t accommodate everybody. We have about 250 members come to Friday prayers. At this building we can have slightly more, up to 300, and do more work.”

The Grand Imam Shaykh mahmudul Hasan who is the Director of TV One UK (a popular satellite TV channel across Europe) said, ‘after arriving in Britain, I was invited to take charge of a small mosque in Southend-on-Sea, a town 40 miles from London. I pray Istikhara and in a blessed dream I see the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) passing by a project under construction. I believed that surely there will be a big project in this city.

The Khatib of this mosque and Principal of the academy Shaykh Mahmudul added, Alhamdulillah, the church was bought and renovated here in 2007. A three-storied mosque, Islamic academy and complex were established. In a second floor where the women pray, while the men use the ground floor.’

After making some alterations to add washing facilities, used by Muslims before they enter a mosque to pray the old church hall provide a community hall. It’s also used for community activities and religious classes for children.
Mr. Shamsuddin said: “Much of the work has been done by our members who are working for free. They have learned the trade and given their time. It is also funded by our members they give donations of what they like and we have charity collections.”

He added: “It is a lovely building and much of the structure is staying the same. It’s a beautiful front elevation and will stay that way.

“We are lucky to have nice neighbors in a nice community. They have been welcoming and say they are pleased to know the building is being used again after became empty. It’s a good cause. People say it’s good we are keeping it as a religious building.”

Shaykh Mahmudul said to us, ‘Alhamdulillah, many non-Muslims have already accepted Islam here. We organize 'Open Day' to invite to Islam. Non-Muslims come to the mosque. There is an opportunity to ask questions. Islamic Dawah stalls are held in various town centers, hospitals and public places. Students from various schools, colleges and universities are invited and analysis about Islam is presented to them. We have regular dialogue with other religious organizations. Organized a workshop on Islam for police department. Efforts to spread Islam are carried out by taking various such initiatives.

Who is Shaykh Mahmudul Hasan?

Shaykh Mahmudul Hasan is a British-Bangladeshi Muslim scholar. He is a Renowned media personality and One of the pioneers of the Preaching of Islam in Britain. He is well-known as a prolific writer-researcher and analyst too.

He traveled around the world with education, theology & socio-philosophy and the glorious message of Islam. Participated in international seminars and symposiums in different countries.

He was born in an aristocratic Muslim family in Hinguli, Mirsarai, Chittagong, Bangaldesh. He is the eldest son of Haji Muhammad Ilyas and Laila Akhtar.

In 1993, he finished his Dawraye Hadith (Takmeel class) from Befaqul Madarishil Arabia Bangladesh (Qawmi Madrasa Education Board) with first class first and got a record number of marks in the whole country.

He holds B.A. & M.A. from the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Chittagong University. In both the exams he got first place in the first class.

He also received a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Islamic Theology from the Al-Azhar University, Egypt. He completes a Post-Graduation Diploma on Islamic Philosophy at Cairo University with a government scholarship.

He started his career as teacher at Al-Jamia Al-Islamia Patiya, one of the most reputed Islamic schools in the country. About eight years he served as a senior teacher in that institution.

On December 5th 2000, he joined Department of the Quranic Sciences and Studies of International Islamic University, Chittagong. He served there for three and a half years with distinction. Later became a lecturer in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the University of Chittagong on August 1, 2004.

He received another master's degree in 2006 from The Markfield Institute of Higher Education at Loughborough University in England, later that year started his PhD at the Institute of Education in London.

He and his friends founded the QnS Academy London in 2020, offering online educational courses. In future there are plans to upgrade it to university level. And He has been conducting humanitarian activities in different regions of Bangladesh through Rain Drops Trust (A charity organization) for the past few years. 

He gained fame throughout Europe for a Q&A show named Jibon Jiggasha on the popular channel NTV EUROPE. My Deen TV, an international TV channel based in London and America, and Bangladesh based Shakal TV regularly airs his religious content.

Every year he takes the seat of chief guest of a religious conference called Tafseerul Quran Mahfil in Bangladesh. He has participated in Da'wah activities in different countries of the world. On that occasion, countries like America, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Belgium, Malaysia, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Uganda, and Sierra Leone have been visited.

There are several fund organizations he leads that are helping Destitute, orphans and widows and disabled people constantly. For this purpose, he has been conducting service activities in various poor countries of the world.

Writing letters to newspapers on various issues helped him develop the writing habit. A journey started there still moving along with Many articles, Books and translations. Some of his notable Bengali books are Jibon Jiggasha, Mimbarer Dhoni, Ziboner Rongdhonu, Muslim Deshe Omuslimer odhikar, Mukto Kanika.

Nowadays Shaykh Mahmudul Hasan is a popular author, renowned media personality, well-known Muslim scholar, religious speaker & famous Instructor; has got followers across the world.

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Bhumijo Smart Sanitation System Launched

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Bhumijo Smart Sanitation System Launched

Bhumijo, a social start-up working to ensure public sanitation launched its much awaited Smart Sanitation System on 12th June, 2023. Md. Shamsul Arefin, Secretary, Information and Communication Technology Division was present as Chief Guest to inaugurate the launching ceremony. Azmeri Hauque Badhon, Prominent Actor and Media Personality, Ranajit Kumar, Executive Director, Bangladesh Computer Council, Major General Abu Sayeed Md Masud, panel expert, Padma rail link project, As per a survey conducted by Bhumijo, 80 per cent of women in Dhaka report not drinking, or drinking less, water due to the absence of usable public toilets. This contributes to UTI conditions and other kidney related diseases.

The GSMA and ICT Ministry, Bangladesh is supporting Bhumijo to digitalise the operation of their public toilets. Bhumijo enabled a suite of technologies including a touchless entry system, and launched a mobile application for users to pay for an associated subscription and get awareness content on hygiene. Bhumijo's Founder Farhana Rashid stated - " Our centres provide different services, besides toilets, such as showers, clean drinking water, laundry, refreshments and advertisement space, all at an affordable price. The centres offer a separate section for women, ensuring their privacy and safety. " Currently, Bhumijo is serving 7,000 people daily in 33 sanitation centres in Dhaka, Naryanganj, Khulna and Benapol.

With their Digital Sanitation System, many problems are solved as it enables digital payments, automatic entry, sensor-based real-time monitoring, Bhumijo is keen on establishing more government partnerships to increase the number of Bhumijo centers across the country. They are looking for development partners to cater for the capital cost of building and operating these facilities.   

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Food firmly on the agenda for Dhaka

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Food firmly on the agenda for Dhaka

The Dhaka Food Agenda 2041 – a visionary document which sets a vision for how to meet the
challenge of providing the city’s residents with sufficient, safe, nutritious, and sustainably-sourced food – was
launched today.

The Minister of Local Government, Rural Development, and Co-operatives (MoLGRD&C), Md Tazul Islam, MP, was
the chief guest at the launch ceremony which was organized by the Local Government Division of MoLGRD&C, and
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Just like many other cities around the world, the greater Dhaka area – formed of the four city corporations of
Dhaka South, Dhaka North, Narayanganj, and Gazipur – is expanding. Now home to more than 20 million people,
Dhaka’s rapid growth has left an increasing mismatch between food needs and what food certain populations can
afford and readily access.

One-fifth of Dhaka's residents live below the poverty line and have inadequate nutrition. Many more face food
insecurity and safety issues. At the same time, there is a wider triple burden of overweight and obesity, undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies.

Confronted with these challenge, more than 100 partners came together to develop the Dhaka Food Agenda 2041
which sets a path for how everybody who lives in the city – young and old, rich and poor – can buy affordable,
quality nutritious food that is produced sustainably.

FAO supported the development of the Dhaka Food Agenda 2041 through the Dhaka Food System project, funded
by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands (EKN). Further technical support was provided by Wageningen
University & Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. His Excellency, Anne van Leeuwen, Ambassador of the Embassy
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bangladesh, was guest of honour at the launch.

FAO Representative Robert D. Simpson said: “With some 20 million people living in the greater Dhaka area, it’s
important to get it right, for the sake of people’s health and for the planet. There’s also an opportunity here for
Dhaka to set an example for other cities in Bangladesh, and internationally, with a new joined-up approach that
meets current challenges and looks to the future.”

The launch, which was held at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center, was chaired by Muhammad
Ibrahim, Secretary of the Local Government Division. The city corporation mayors were special guests: Barrister
Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh (Dhaka South) and Md Atiqul Islam (Dhaka North).

The Dhaka Food Agenda 2041 is based on a food systems approach. Food systems are the public policy decisions,
the national and global systems and supply chains, and the individuals and groups that influence what we eat. They
are important because what we eat is one of the biggest drivers of health and well-being, and food systems –
including production, processing, supply chains, and waste management – have an enormous impact on our planet.
The document, which will support policymaking and urban planning, is aligned with the United Nations Food Systems Summit National Pathway and complements policies, plans, and goals set by the Government of Bangladesh, notably the Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2021-2041. More than 100 organizations were involved in developing it, including government ministries and departments, the private sector, development partners, research institutions, NGOs and academia.

In support of the Dhaka Food Agenda, FAO’s Dhaka Food System project has established city working groups and
formulated ‘food charters’ for each of the corporations in order to integrate food into urban planning. The project
has upgraded fresh markets, established farmers’ markets, and promoted food safety, healthy diets, and urban

The project’s Senior Technical Adviser, Xavier Bouan said: “We are proud to have brought so many contributors
together to produce this innovative and important document that has the power to shape Dhaka’s food future,
potentially influencing what millions of people eat. We trust that is will stimulate positive, forward-thinking
decision-making and policy formulation.”

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